Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preparation

1 Have you heard of medical cloud databases?
2 How do you think these cloud databases could change the medical field?
3 How could cloud databases improve patient satisfaction?
4 How could cloud systems improve efficiency in the office?
5 How would cloud systems affect physical patient charts?
6 Leroy Hood believes *explain p4 medicine* how would someone go about implementing these things?
7 What kind of an effect would p4 medicine have on patient care?
8 What kind of changes in training need to be made for doctors and nurses to implement p4 medicine?
9 What kind of ethical/privacy issues could p4 medicine raise?
10 If implemented, what kind of changes would you expect to see in the medical field from p4 medicine?
11 How important is the environment/facility in patient satisfaction?
12 What is the best way to get your staff to be more friendly to patients?
13 Is it ethical to terminate an employee for unsatisfactory friendliness?
14 What can you add to a waiting room to make the waiting less tedious?
15 What are some things that can increase efficiency, thus lowering wait times?
16 Of the three topics mentioned; p4, cloud systems, and hospitality, which seems most important to patient satisfaction and why?
17 Which topic would be the easiest to implement and why?
18 Which topic would have the most impact on doctors and why?
19 What other sources can think of to further my research?
20 What is the best way to improve patient care in American hospitals?

1 comment:

  1. Your first question is very closed. Try to reformulate it to get a better answer.
    #12 "best way" won't give you a lot of information. Think about making it more open.
    #20 might be better with "some ways"
